Sunday, April 15, 2007

I am Lorem Ipsum's Venn Diagram Rage

Sue Rature-

I have seen Venn diagrams. I know their evil ways all too well. That being said, your Venn diagram, of course, is far too simple. You failed to take into consideration the artistic skills of the sandwich maker. It is simply impossible for an average person to make a Manwich, yet anyone, even a two year old, can make a sandwich.

Now, back to the most ambiguous term “Sandwich Machine.” Here is a definition from a highly credible source,, on sandwich machine:

1. Sandwich Machine
A women, guy that is a bitch, or a gay man. Only constructed for putting together kick ass sandwiches......and sex. Example: "Hey women make me a sandwich."

“Sandwich Machine” can also be used to describe a mechanical assembly line used to create packaged sandwiches. I’m sure you are hoping to associate yourself with this one, but, due to contextual evidence supplied by one of our I.M.’s, we now know, for certain, that you are in fact aligned with the definition found on the most esteemed Don’t try to deny it. It is fact now, so accept it.

If, and this is a big if, you are trying to say that a “Sandwich Machine” is nothing more than a sandwich press not unlike the George Forman grill, then your Venn diagram, once again, would be far too limited for such a proper comparison. I mean, I can Venn diagram the Queen of England and Ted, but I don’t because I know that Ted is far too complex of an individual to properly compare him to her…just like the Manwich Machine is far too complex of a device to compare it to anything less than the secret of life.


Sous Rature said...

Typical obscurantist mysticism. In order to accept the logic of your argument, one must necessarily accept the argument itself without any supportable reason why--it's essentially a tautology. It's just shocking that the number five hasn't made its inevitable appearance yet.

Lorem Ipsum said...

You said, "tautology." Elitist.

You are the one actually committing the tautological violation here, not I. If you think about it, either we commit one or we don’t, so there.

I’m sure you’ll say that this reply is in fact tautological by nature. Maybe not.

Anyway, you need to go ahead and confess that a “Manwich Machine” and a “Sandwich Machine” are completely different except for the fact that they share 8, not 5 (ahee-ahee-ahee), letters...or should I say, “H?” You can wrap that in your Venn Diaphragm and smoke it.

The Kilted Yaksman said...

I concur Lorem. We are not the tautoligists who are perpetrating this so called "tautology". Besides, supererogation is required to prove the elitist nature of those who are hatched from the bourgeois, nonconforming, proliterian region of this diseased world called "Folsghanistan". And Sue, could you please be kind enough as not to obloquy my comment by muttering your standard prosaic antiphon of... "whatever".