Thursday, June 28, 2007

F-ing Tag

1. All right, here are the rules.
2. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
3. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
4. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
5. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

So, eight random facts about me.

1. I don't know eight sickening people who blog. I know three. They've already been tagged.
2. I have an insane nose thing where I constantly think I have shit hanging from my nose. Not real shit, just nose shit.
3. Sous was my official nose checker while we were living together; he has also unofficially served the position throughout our friendship.
4. I am a better driver than Walrus.
5. It's Bush's fault that I started smoking. He even gave me a cigarette case. It's his fault, I swear.
6. I like summer break because I am spending a ton of time with my son, but I am bored. I enjoy being extremely busy.
7. I am five chapters into a young adult novella that I'm writing. It could end up being an adult novella, but we'll see how sickening it gets.
8. My favorite word is sickening. This has been quite useful since I've had many sickening friends over the years and I'm the only one who seems to completely understand each one. That, in itself, is sickening.

See #1.

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