Thursday, April 26, 2007

A-hole Web Designers are not Artists

Given said criticism on perhaps the greatest artistic achieve that has been gifted to man since Picasso, it is obvious that the “Angry White Man,” or should I say, in this case, “Web Design Guru,” has absolutely no connection with ART whatsoever in any way possible, both known and unknown to man.

That being said, Mr. Web Design Guru obviously overlooked the artistic nature of the page, the way it really sums up teen angst, puberty, and awkward moments with the opposite sex, all in a simple, yet effective design that he wishes he would have done first (but he is too busy dealing with some old Archie Bunker motherfucker who wants him to build him a website on housing or something). Yes, Mr. Web Design Guru is obviously disconnected from Art and has moved rapidly into what should be called the “H” dimension, the world of html. He lives and dies by the html code. In fact, he is even rewriting the “Pledge of Allegiance,” inserting html wherever and whenever he can.

That being said, lets all stand up and solute Mr. Web Design Guru for all of the wonderful gifts of html he has given the world.

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