Thursday, April 26, 2007

How not to build a website

People with Downs syndrome should not be gangster rappers. A-hole teachers who build websites like monkeys with Downs syndrome should not be gangster rappers as well. There are a million free website templates available for such a-holes so they can build a proper site. Dreamweaver has templates, Photoshop even allows you to make a great working website, has a hundred free web publishing tools so you can easily build properly functioning web site. But certain lazy assholes, I mean a-holes, decide that scanning a fucking crumpled piece of paper and using a display type for large bodies of copy on top of said crumpled paper is a great idea and the easy way out. I have given this person tip after tip. I am like a fucking Visual Quickstart Guide for this a-hole. But instead of using the skills that he has acquired from the tons of extra hours spent taking classes on graphic and web design, he makes a website that basically uses whole fucking jpegs. What the fuck ever. People are dying from AIDS, wars, starvation, and liberalism every minute. People from Folsghanistan could build a better function site than this jpeg crazy asshole has done. Is there no future for this man? Is there no remorse in his sick & twisted mind. What fucked up deformed abomination will spew from his poisoned soul next. Hopefully not another two row mess with image maps for navigation bullshit web site. Fuck.

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